YISG-2022 first stage results announced

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YISG-2022 the marathon «Open the World» first stage leaders were announced. They will be invited to participate in research programs.

According to the organisers the challenge results were evaluated on June 1st, which were reflected in marathon participants’ ratings. Young researchers who scored more than 50 points (6-11 grade participants) or more than 30 points (1-5 grade participants) took the leadership

YISG’s first stage main idea is to show that anyone can explore and it is exciting, interesting and accessible. During the marathon 2410 mini-researchers were created. Research areas were «Living Nature», «Lifeless Nature», «Interaction of Living and Non-living Nature», «Human and Society», «Methods of Research and Development of Own Abilities». 89 HSE University and Lomonosov Moscow State University independent experts evaluated the whole work.

Details about the rules and the course of the marathon can be found on the platform «Reactor».

The most energetic were 324 out of 1942 participants. The leaders of the marathon are participants from Moscow, Yakutsk, Lipetsk, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Kaluga, Arsamas of the Nijny Novgorod region, Murom of the Vladimir Region, Malakhovka, Saratova Oblast and Berdigestyakh and Churapcha of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The main YISG-2022 organiser is the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). YISG-2022’s main partner is the Trust Fund of Future Generations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This implies that for Yakutia leaders and active participants of the «Open the World» marathon the Sakha Junior Science Academy (hereafter – SJSC) will create separate invitations to participate in YISG events and the ones that are related to them on the SJSC’s basis.

“YISG organising committee will address invitations to marathon leaders to participate in various events of the YISG second stage as well as friendly events in the near future,” said the organisers. All participants of the marathon will receive leader digital certificates or participants of the marathon «Open the World» indicating the number of tasks and points scored during the marathon.

Marathon first stage winners (8-10 grade students) will be able to participate in the International Research School (either face-to-face or remotely, taking into account English level). Children over 12 will receive invitations to present a “mosaic” of their discoveries from the marathon at a special section of the international exhibition MILSET-Vostok. Those who have an interest in natural science research and ecology opportunities are presented to take in the “Eco-patrol” program. Access to learning-developing platforms “Logic Like” and “GlobalLab” materials will be given to 1-5 grade marathon leaders.

Alexey Obukhov the author of the “Open the World” marathon as well as scientific director of the International Research School within the YISG and leading expert of the Institute of Education of the HSE University notes: The marathon has become a kind of experiment for us, which in fact showed us that any class school children can be involved in active knowledge of the world and keep on long time distance, implementing research tasks in very different areas. Yes, from the expression of interest to its realisation in productive action not everyone reaches, not even most. However, on such children we hope that they will be on the frontiers of a creative future. Therefore, the main reward for marathon leaders is a new horisons, and invitation to more complex yet no less interesting research experiences.


yisg-2022 press center

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