The XXVIII International “Tuymaada” Olympiad 2021

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The XXVIII International Tuymaada Olympiad for School Students will take place July 24 to August 3, 2021, in mathematics, physics, and informatics, and it will be held online as it was the case last year for mathematics. 


The organizers of the Olympiad are: The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) represented by the Sakha Junior Science Academy; M.K Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University; Trust Fund of Future Generations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); Media company Keskil Children’s Publishing House, and Oktem Scientific and Educational Center in Khangalassky district of Yakutia. 


The Tuymaada Olympiad is one of the leading intellectual competitions in the Russian Federation, where participants can demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in the field of exact sciences.


For all the years of the Olympiad, more than 3500 school students from Russia (32 regions) and foreign countries (26 countries) took part in it. More than 100 schoolchildren from 7 countries (Iran, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, Singapore, Russia) have plans to participate this year.


For 2 days, participants will solve original problems in mathematics and computer science. Physics Olympiad will be held for 1 day (theoretical round). The terms of the problems were prepared by the jury in the Russian and English languages. 


Author’s problems, specially compiled for the “Tuymaada” Olympiad, will be presented for the first time these days. The authors of the problems have been members of the methodological commission for several years. The experts of the Olympiad are well-known in Russia members of the jury and methodological commissions of the All-Russian and International Olympiads, winners of the International Olympiad in Mathematics, the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, professors, teachers, graduate students, students of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern federal university, among them – the winners of the International “Tuymaada” Olympiad of previous years. The works of the participants will be evaluated by more than 30 jury members.


The online cultural and entertainment programs are planned for the participants, including virtual visits of the local museums and cultural centers around Yakutia. Teachers will participate in panel discussions dedicated to international and Russian experience of working with gifted children: system of working with gifted children, the role of the teacher in the success of students, the technology of preparation for subject Olympiads and competitions, educational routes and support for motivated children and so on.

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